Sunday, February 23, 2014

Project Nothing, a rehearsal

Next weekend, my family is having a DAY OF NOTHING.  Saturday, we will stay in our pajamas, hang out together, hang out alone, cook, play, watch a movie (or not), take a nap (or not), play Legos, read, knit (me), watch sports (maybe me but for sure Rob), and any other little thing that drifts into our relaxed, untaxed little minds.

Here's what we will NOT do:  clean, organize, fret, worry, run errands, micromanage, and other things that you are getting the idea about by now.

This afternoon is a practice run of about two hours.  We came home from churchy things and a movie and decided to just hang.  This is an almost foreign but distantly remembered sense of being for me.  It is also that same thing for the kids and Rob, because I am usually hounding them into tidying and prepping for the week.

So, for the next little while, Game on for NOTHING!

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