Monday, May 6, 2013

26.2 Done

Saturday was the Wisconsin Marathon.  This was my first 26.2 miler, and it was as gut wrenchingly difficult as a marathon should be.  The last six miles were very, very painful, and I honestly didn't know how I would finish.  I only knew there was no way I was quitting after coming that far.

People stationed themselves along the course, and I will forever be grateful to these wonderful friends, family members, and strangers who helped me make it through to the finish.  I am fortunate to have such people in my life, including the ones who made sure to let me know that they were with me in spirit that day.  I am grateful for the physical ability to put my body through that turmoil, and for having the heart to know that life is richer for the challenges we meet.

My knee held up, but just barely.  I have a toenail issue, and my muscles are sore everywhere.  However, my soul is content right now in only the way that accomplishing a big, scary goal can make it feel.

Life is good.