Thursday, April 25, 2013

Almost There

Time sure does fly when one is running all the time!  At least, that's how it feels anyway, and that's how it seems, if you judge by my (lack of) housekeeping over the last several months.

The Marathon is 9 days from today.  The long runs are over, and I am in the "taper" period of running only a few short distances, resting my legs, and trying not to fret.

My last long-ish run was last Friday.  It was hailing sideways, and then the hail turned to snow.  It hurt to be out in it, which might account for the fact that I saw no other runners that day.....

Also, I tweaked my bad knee this week.  Lovely timing.  I have skipped two runs this week, and today it feels...well, I'm not going to say and then jinx myself.....  Tomorrow, I hope to get in 8, and then it's just a few short training runs until the big day.  Wahoo!

 So, to ease my marathon anxiety, I've been hanging out with this cupcake monster,
 Getting in some girlfriend time,
 and shopping with my sporty fashionista.